Campaigners against incinerator to use Prince Charles visit

Opponents of Indaver project near €50,000 in funding to seek a judicial review

An artist’s impression of the proposed incinerator at Ringaskkiddy in Co Cork.

Campaigners against a proposed €160 million waste incinerator for Cork Harbour are to use Prince Charles’s visit to the Irish Naval Service HQ at Haulbowline later this week to highlight their opposition to the controversial project.

Gertie O'Driscoll of Ringaskiddy Residents Association appealed at a public meeting in Cobh on Monday night for people to join them at the silent and peaceful protest against the incinerator which they plan to hold in Ringaskiddy on Thursday as Prince Charles passes through the village.

Ms O’Driscoll said she had already spoken to gardaí about the planned protest and they had no issue with it once it was peaceful and silent and she urged anyone who wanted to join them to respect those terms as a means of highlighting their opposition to the proposed incinerator.

“The world’s media will be covering Prince Charles’s visit including his visit to Haulbowline on Thursday and we want to show them that the people of Ringaskiddy and the people of Cork Harbour do not want this incinerator and it has been granted despite our clear opposition to it,” she said.


Meanwhile Monday night's meeting in Cobh heard that a Go Fund Me drive to raise money for a judicial review of An Bord Pleanana's decision to grant waste management company, Indaver planning permission for an incinerator is close to topping €50,000.

The meeting, organised by Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment and attended by close to 400 people in the Commodore Hotel in Cobh, heard that fund raising has reached over €47,000 and was expected to top €50,000 within the next few days.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times