Running + Walking In The Phoenix Park review: Offbeat jogging show runs out of breath

Dublin Fringe: Multimedia drama on traversing Dublin’s municipal space has absorbing elements but eventually wears thin

Running + Walking In The Phoenix Park: doesn’t so much go nowhere fast as saunter around in circles at a gentle trot

Running + Walking In The Phoenix Park
Project Arts Centre Cube

As befits a show about jogging, writer and director Martin Sharry's multimedia piece doesn't so much go nowhere fast as saunter around in circles at a gentle trot. The title pretty much sums up the play's premise: an unnamed runner, played by John Morton, describes the route of his regular run in Dublin's biggest park. And then describes it again.

Along the way, he surveys the topography and landmarks while meditating on where he’s going, literally and figuratively.

At times, this can lead to an almost incantatory rhythm, helped by the sparsely evocative music of Rachel Ní Chuinn. But though there are intimations of a deeper back story, the conceit wears thin by the third circuit, no matter how gamely Morton tries.


Meanwhile, the jocular breaking of the fourth wall that bookends the main action sounds a jarring note, coming across as misjudged padding.

Overall, an intriguing jaunt with some absorbing elements, but one that runs out of puff before the end.

Runs until Saturday, September 22nd