Homeless man found dead in Waterford

Man (48) found dead on a footpath in Grange Cohan housing estate

Grange Cohan estate. Photograph: Google Street view

A homeless man was found dead on a footpath in a housing estate in Waterford late last week.

The man, who had no fixed address, was found unresponsive on a footpath in Grange Cohan estate at 8am on Thursday morning, according to one Garda source.

The homeless man was understood to have been 48 years old.

A spokeswoman for the Garda Press Office said officers were investigating a “sudden death that occurred in a housing estate in Waterford”.


Grange Cohan is an estate outside Waterford city. The man was pronounced dead at the scene and his body was taken to Waterford University Hospital.

“A file is to be prepared for the Coroners court,” the Garda spokeswoman said.

Homeless charity Focus Ireland, who have a service based in Grange Cohan estate, said the organisation sent its condolences to the family of the deceased man.

It is understood the man was known to homeless services in the Waterford area, and had accessed emergency shelter for periods at a time in the past.

The circumstances of how he came to sleep rough on Thursday night were unclear to local homeless services.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times