Go Niche

We’ve had the staycation

We’ve had the staycation. How about the nakation? From an austerity point of view, holidaying in the nip could make sense – no mad frenzy of pre-holiday clothes shopping and a fortune saved on baggage charges.

Even traditionally heavily-clad holiday options such as skiing have tried to get in on the act, with naked cross-country ski trails opening in Obertraun, Austria and the US’s aptly named Crested Butte – famous for its end of season naked ski contest.

Both of those appear to have gone somewhat “off piste” in recent years, unsurprisingly given the temperatures involved, but there are still plenty of active holiday options for the naked traveller.

Buff Divers is a travel company that offers clothes-free scuba diving all around the world, so no more struggling with wetsuits.


You can take a nude sailing holiday in the Caribbean with a company called Boat in the Buff. All-over tan guaranteed.

Presuming you’re not surgically attached to that Pringle sweater you could always play a round of golf at Club Jenny, a naturist resort in southwestern France which, admittedly, must give rise to some degree of confusion when it comes to organising a four ball.

Or how about letting it all hang out with some naked bungee jumping over the Nanaimo river near Vancouver in Canada.

And if that’s a tad more adrenaline than you’re looking for, there’s always a quiet, restorative hike in Germany’s Harz mountains where a 13km circuit has just opened as the country’s first official naturist hiking trail.

Just don’t forget your boots.