Poll: Do you think Ireland is good value for money for tourists?

Amid Brexit concerns, VAT jumps and rising hotel costs, is a trip to Ireland still worth it?

A group of tourists prepare to go to Dalkey Island. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

As Conor Pope writes today, virtually everyone involved in the tourism industry here will tell you that Ireland represents good value for money for tourists.

Surveys show that, by and large, tourists themselves seem to agree with that sentiment. Recent figures show that when asked to rate Ireland in value for money terms, more than two-thirds of visitors from the US rated Ireland as either good or very good value, with just 4 per cent believing it to be poor or very poor value.

Tourists from Germany and France appear similarly satisfied. Just 11 per cent and 9 per cent of them respectively scored Ireland poorly for value, and those numbers have stayed pretty consistent over the last five years.

British tourists, however, seem less impressed. The number of tourists from there ranking Ireland most unfavourably in terms of value for money has climbed to 14 per cent, with 44 per cent now rating it as good or very good value for money, down from a peak of 55 per cent in 2015.


What do you think? Does Ireland still present good value for money? Have your say above in our online poll. (If you are reading this on the Irish Times app, you can access the poll by clicking here)