A TEACHING union has criticised the dominant role of Fás in education and training.
The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) expressed dismay that an additional 51,000 training places, announced by the Government yesterday, will go to Fás rather than to the education sector.
TUI general secretary Peter MacMenamin said the move was regrettable. Education officer Bernie Judge said the move betrayed a lack of imagination.
They were speaking at a launch of a TUI plan which calls for an expansion of places in further, adult and third-level education in order to kick-start the economy.
The union says the cap on the number of places in post-Leaving Certificate courses (about 30,000) should be lifted.
Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Mary Coughlan announced the 50,000 additional places for the training authority, saying they were for people who had recently become unemployed.