Strokes claim 8 lives daily, says new report

STROKES cause more than eight deaths a day in Ireland, according to a new publication, and their frequency makes them the third…

STROKES cause more than eight deaths a day in Ireland, according to a new publication, and their frequency makes them the third highest cause of death.

But they can be prevented if symptoms are diagnosed and, treated in time, according to Understanding Stroke, a video and booklet launched at St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin by the Volunteer Stroke Scheme.

Symptoms include temporary; loss of power in either the hand ore leg, an unusual sensation of pins and needles in the limbs on one side, partial loss of vision in one eye, temporary loss of speech and: short blackout attacks. Those symptoms, affecting one side of the body only, are particularly significant.

Blood pressure, accounts for only 10 per cent of strokes. Particles which block arteries are most often to blame.


The video says the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoghaire is the only one of its kind in the country and the waiting lists are "seemingly endless".

Many more rehabilitation beds were needed, the VSS chairwoman, Ms Anne Copeland, said yesterday.