Legislation to provide for the implementation of the workplace smoking ban outside the hospitality sector will be introduced, the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern told the Dáil today.
Mr Ahern said the remaining details of the ban, including details of the exemptions, would be sent to the European Commission under the Transparency Directive.
This will allow the proposed ban to come into effect by the middle of February, three months from tomorrow.
The Cabinet extended exemptions to the ban yesterday and they now include outdoor workplaces, prisons, psychiatric hospitals, the Central Mental Hospital, hospices, nursing homes, bedrooms in hotels, B & Bs, guest houses and hostels and student accommodation.
However, the Government will have to introduce new Health and safety legislation branding environmental tobacco smoke a carcinogen.
Primary legislation will be needed to cover the activities of some of the inspectors who enforce the ban outside pubs and restaurants.
The ban in the hospitality sector will be enforced by Department of Health environmental health officers.
For other premises, inspections will be carried out by health and safety officers from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment but this will require legislation.