US team runs rule over Moneygall

WITH JUST a month and a half to US president Barack Obama’s visit to Ireland, an advance party of more than 30 US officials and…

WITH JUST a month and a half to US president Barack Obama’s visit to Ireland, an advance party of more than 30 US officials and security staff took a tour of Moneygall, Co Offaly, yesterday.

Two Garda outriders accompanied the black-suited officials, who had arrived in a blacked-out coach and van. There they were joined by members of the Department of Foreign Affairs as they toured the small rural village.

“As you can see here today the advance party have moved in to survey the place,” local publican Ollie Hayes explained. “They just wanted to look around, have a chat and ask a few questions.”

They walked through the village taking pictures of the streets and visiting the local GAA pitch. They also took pictures of Ollie Hayes’s pub, going so far as to photograph the toilets. Mr Hayes is hoping President Obama might drop in and sample a pint of Guinness. “I do hope he comes in here, it would be brilliant,” he said.


Mr Obama’s distant relative Henry Healy believes the president may spend more then five hours in Ireland. Although he has had no direct contact with the White House, he said he expected Mr Obama to spend at least 24 hours in Ireland. “I’ve had no contact from the White House at all but we maintained contact with the embassy and we maintained contact with the Irish-American Democrats. I . . . am hopeful that my contacts ensure I might be able to shake the hand,” said Mr Healy.

Canon Stephen Neill also expects President Obama to “spend at least 24 hours and it could even be a couple of days”.

Following talks between chief executive of the American Ireland Fund Kieran McLoughlin and the White House, Canon Neill is confident “Obama will want to do the thing justice” and not just have a “whistle-stop” tour.