Trimble to consult party over peace process

The Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble, was today consulting party activists about the state of the peace process.

The Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble, was today consulting party activists about the state of the peace process.

The Northern Ireland First Minister agreed at a meeting of party officers on Friday to brief representatives in each of the North's 18 constituencies about developments on IRA decommissioning and policing.

The briefings coincide with renewed efforts in Belfast, London and Dublin to find a way out of the current impasse.

British government sources said that contact was being maintained behind the scenes on the issues of decommissioning, demilitarisation and policing reforms.


However, they dampened down speculation of an imminent deal.

"We should not get too excited too soon," a source close to the British government said.

"It is much more about trying to find a way of moving forward together. That means seeing real progress." he added.