Key recommendations of the report into the handling by the Attorney General's Office of the statutory rape Supreme Court challenge
- All papers in future constitutional actions must be cleared personally by the Attorney General.
- The Chief State Solicitor is to receive a written confirmation that the AG has been kept fully informed of all cases.
- All legal papers in such cases are to be copied to top civil servants in Government departments which could be affected by rulings.
- The AG is to give bi-monthly briefings to the secretary to the Government on the progress of each case.
- Officials from the offices of the AG and the DPP are to meet every two months to review the possible impact of constitutional actions.
- Three outside experts - Paul Sreenan SC, solicitor Hugh Millar and risk management expert Aidan Horan - are to meet twice each year to monitor the procedures.
- The case management rules set in place after the Father Brendan Smyth case in 1994 are to be updated.