Rugby official on Canadian tour left badly injured after hit-and-run

An official with Cork's Dolphin Rugby Club remained in a critical condition in a Canadian hospital last night after being injured…

An official with Cork's Dolphin Rugby Club remained in a critical condition in a Canadian hospital last night after being injured in a hit-and-run incident.

Mr Val Murphy (69), former president of the club, which is touring north America this month, was being treated in intensive care after apparently suffering a heart attack as a result of the incident, which took place early Sunday.

Also injured was the club's honorary secretary Mr Michael O'Riordan (53) from Carrigrohane, Co Cork, who is due to fly home tomorrow after surgery.

"He is very, very battered, very bruised," said Mr O'Riordan's wife, Marie, of her husband. "He has a lot of grazes and cuts. His ribs are very damaged too and he got a bad gash on the top of his head which needed 20 stitches."


Witnesses said a car had broken a red light before hitting the pair. A 21-year-old Moroccan student was charged on Monday.

Mr Murphy has undergone surgery for severe head trauma, as well as damage to his legs. Members of his family have flown from Cork to be with him.

The two officials were part of a 40-strong rugby club tour of Canada and the US.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column