Man to be tried over threats to family of murdered Cameron Blair

Noel Barry (46) from Togher allegedly told student’s relatives to ‘f**k off back to England’

A man (46) has been sent forward for trial on charges of threatening to kill two members of the family of student who was murdered in Cork city last year.

A man has been sent forward for trial on charges of threatening to kill two members of the family of student who was murdered in Cork city last year.

Noel Barry (46), of Cherry Tree Road, Togher, Cork, is charged with two counts of threatening to kill members of Cameron Blair's family. The 20-year-old was fatally stabbed in Cork city on January 16th, 2020.

The Stage alleges that Mr Barry did, at a place unknown on September 4th, 2020, in the course of a phone call make a threat to a named member of the Blair family.

The State further alleges that Mr Barry threatened to kill or cause serious harm to two other named members of the Blair family, contrary to Section 5 of the Non Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997.


Mr Barry is also charged with a third offence of sending a message that was menacing in nature by telephone to a named member of the Blair family, contrary to Section 13 (1) (A) of the Post Office (Amendment) Act 1951.

It was previously alleged that Mr Barry made four phone calls to the deceased’s family on the night in question, two of which were recorded.

It was alleged that threats were made to Noel Blair, Cameron's father, and that his family were allegedly told to 'F**k off back to England' and that Mr Blair was warned that his family would 'never be safe'.

The State has also alleged that Mr Blair reported that in another call he was told to get his 'Loyalist friends' so they could 'sort this out on the streets of Shankill Road' in Belfast.

At Cork District Court on Monday Det Garda Bríd Norris served a book of evidence on Mr Barry and Sgt Pat Lyons said the Director of Public Prosecutions had directed that the matters be tried on indictment before a judge and jury at circuit court level.

Judge Olann Kelleher granted the State application for a return for trial and he remanded Mr Barry on continuing bail to appear at the next sittings of Cork Circuit Criminal Court.

Judge Kelleher reminded Mr Barry of conditions upon which he had been granted bail including that he must have no contact, direct or indirect, with the Blair family; that he stay out of west Cork; and that he be of good behaviour and abstain from intoxicants.

A 17-year-old, who could not be named because he was a juvenile, was last year given a life sentence for the murder of Cameron Blair on the Bandon Road in Cork on January 16th.

A native of Ballinascarthy in west Cork, Mr Blair had been attending a party on the Bandon Road on the night and was acting as “a peacemaker” between those in the house and a group, including the teenager, seeking re-entry to the party.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times