Gardaí hold man following discovery of body on embankment outside Bantry

Gardaí are treating as suspicious the discovery of a man’s body in Bantry in west Cork yesterday.

Gardaí are treating as suspicious the discovery of a man’s body in Bantry in west Cork yesterday.

The body of the 53-year-old man was found with serious injuries at an embankment at a house in Seskin, 2km from the centre of the town, at about 5.20pm. Gardaí cordoned off the scene and the State Pathologist’s Office was notified. The victim, who is from Bantry, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Gardaí later arrested a man in his 60s on suspicion of having committed an assault. He was taken to Bantry Garda station where he is being held under section four of the Criminal Justice Act.

Gardai were trying to trace the last known movements of the victim and whether he may have been assaulted in a row after a drinking session in a house. It was unclear if any implement or weapon had been used.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times