Fine Gael's Deasy slams 'leniency' of sentence

The "leniency" of the sentence imposed on TV chef Tim Allen for possessing pornographic images of children was criticised by …

The "leniency" of the sentence imposed on TV chef Tim Allen for possessing pornographic images of children was criticised by Fine Gael this evening.

Justice spokesman Mr John Deasy said the sentence demonstrated "a class distinction in the justice system", that meant anyone without the means to pay the €40,000 fine imposed on Allen would have been jailed.

"[Allen's] wealth has allowed him to avoid jail sentence. His sentence of 240-hours community service, a 9-month suspended jail term, and a fine of €40,000 is simply not enough. Anyone convicted of a similar crime would undoubtedly end up with a jail sentence, if they did not have the means to pay such a fine."

He added: "It is extremely worrying that there is one law for the rich, and another for the poor. What chance does society have of eradicating this problem, when this sort of example is set out by the courts?"