Dublin had wettest November for 17 years last month

Met Éireann summary says it was both colder and wetter than normal across Ireland

Damp and rainy weather in Dublin’s Phoenix Park on November 22nd last. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Last month saw the most rainfall recorded by a Dublin weather station in November for nearly two decades, Met Éireann has said.

Across the country, last month was both colder and wetter than the national forecaster’s long term average for the time of year.

The weather station at Dublin Airport recorded its highest level of rainfall over the month since 2002 at 173mm. This was more than double the forecaster's long term average for the month.

There was also the lowest amount of total sunshine over the month recorded at the Dublin station since November 1983.


The Malin Head weather station in Co Donegal also recorded its dullest November since 2007, with on average just over an hour of sunshine a day.

The figures were released in a weather summary of the month of November from Met Éireann on Tuesday.

The forecaster's review of the month said the east of the country was both the wettest and dullest area throughout the period. The month was dominated by low pressure weather systems which brought consistent rain.

“The east of the country bore the brunt of the rain in a cyclonic easterly flow off the Irish Sea,” the summary said.

North-western parts of the country had a relatively drier month in comparison, it said.

Met Éireann’s weather station in Cork Airport saw the most rain in one day over the month, with 33.7mm recorded on November 20th.

Valentia Observatory in Co Kerry saw the most consecutive days of rainfall with 27 out of the 30 days in the month.

On top of the consistent rain and lack of sunshine, temperatures were also below average for the month across the country.

The coldest temperature was recorded at Mount Dillon, Co Roscommon on November 18th, at minus 5.5 degrees in the air, and minus 10 at grass level.

The warmest it got in November was 14.9 degrees at Moore Park, Co Cork on the first day of the month.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times