Priests robbed at knifepoint at their homes in Omagh

Two Catholic clergymen attacked in parochial houses

Two priests have been robbed at gunpoint in an armed raid on their homes in Omagh.

Police said two thieves, one thought to have been armed with a gun, robbed two houses in Brook Street, Omagh, while two men were inside this morning.

It is understood both buildings were parochial houses for Catholic clergy and the men inside were priests.

The PSNI said neither man was harmed by the robbers, who made off with an undisclosed amount of money at around 9.50am.


Detective Sergeant Ian Lyle said: “The two men involved in the armed robbery are described as being aged in their 30s, with local accents and were wearing green jackets and had their faces covered.

“I would ask anyone who knows anything about this incident to contact detectives at Omagh police station on the non emergency number 101.

“Or if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”