Brennan launches citizens information website

Minister for Social Affairs Seamus Brennan today launched a new information website that is designed to provide information and…

Minister for Social Affairs Seamus Brennan today launched a new information website that is designed to provide information and advice, and promote rights awareness for citizens. The new website replaces the e-government initiative Oasisand Comhairle's online Citizens Information Database (CID).

The new site, Citizensinformation.iecovers everything from employment rights, buying a house and education issues, to having a baby, illness support structures and coping with disabilities.

The plan is to provide a nationwide information, advice and rights awareness service for all citizens under the Citizens Information brand.

Under the new brand, Comhairle, which is responsibile for the provision of independent information and advice on social services directly to the public, will be renamed the Citizens Information Board (An Bord um Fhaisneis do Shaoranaigh). Legislation to bring this about is being introduced in the Dail next week.


Speaking at the launch of the website, the Minister said that the provision of independent, clear and accessible information played a central role in helping to break down barriers, and would helpcitizens to improve their situations and build better lives.

"When you consider that over 970,000 payments are made by my Department each week that in total benefit more than 1.5 million men, women and children, it is understandable why queries on welfare rights and entitlements should make up more than one third of information, advice and rights queries," he said.

"However, there are many other social issues, such as employment, health services, housing, education, family concerns and consumer rights, on which people need access to information. We now have the blueprint for the start of a new and exciting era in the provision of an information service that is geared to meet the needs and demands of an expanding and increasingly diverse 21st century Ireland".

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist