Almost 50% of nurses assaulted, report says

ALMOST half of Irish nurses have been physically assaulted at work and 16 per cent say they have suffered severe injuries as …

ALMOST half of Irish nurses have been physically assaulted at work and 16 per cent say they have suffered severe injuries as a result. This is one of the main findings of a report, The Experience of Stress Amongst Irish Nurses, commissioned by the Irish Nurses Organisation.

It is one of a series of information documents published by the INO in support of its claim that nurses are undervalued and underpaid. INO assistant general secretary, Ms Leonore Mrkwicka, said yesterday physical and verbal abuse had become regular occurrences in the working life of some nurses.

"Despite experiencing emotional and physical distress, 96.4 per, cent of these nurses took no time, off as a result of the assaults. This is further testament, if it were needed, of the commitment of Irish nurses to their patients. Most nurses also give about 1.5 hours unpaid overtime to their employers each week, worth £17.3 million to the health service.

The report says the most common manifestation of stress in nurses is back pain, suffered by nearly 30 per cent, followed by severe fatigue and exhaustion in 27 per cent and foot problems from long periods spent standing; 22 per cent.