A new electric light has been invented by a Mr Sawyer, of New York, who claims to have exploded the theory of subdivision. The American papers state that a company has been formed for the purpose of adopting the new invention to domestic lighting. The invention is said to be a very simple one, consisting of a small pencil of carbon little larger than a pin, and connected by wires with an electric machine, enclosed in a hermetically sealed glass globe filled with pure nitrogen gas.
The new invention is known as the electric dynamic light, and is stated to emit a brilliant white light. The company asserts its ability to fit up lights equal to thirty gas burners, and that by a very small switch in the wall the current of electricity can be divided so as to supply an number of burners.
The meter difficulty has been overcome by an invention which will register the number of burners and the number of hours they are lighted. The plan is similar to that of Edison, but the inventor claims to have anticipated the inventor [sic] of the telephone. The company state that they can supply the new light at a fourth of the expense of gas.
The Irish Times
November 11th, 1878.