Address 29 Lanesborough Mews, Finglas, Dublin 11
Agent DNG This 67sq m (721sq ft) ground-floor apartment has a livingroom with a fireplace, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom that opens to a patio. There is a car park. The communal courtyard contains a playground. BER: C1
Plus In very good condition inside.
Minus Drab exterior and toilet is very close to the bath.

Address Ashbrook House Mohill, Co Leitrim
Agent Farrell Property Group
Here is a building for our age: a former "fever hospital" built in 1841. The beautiful stone building was more recently a nursing home. When the foliage is peeled back you will find nine widows across the top floor and eight (four each side of the door) on the ground floor. The H-plan property sits in its own land with entrance via ashlar gate piers. The building is on Dromod Road on the outskirts of town.
Plus Beautiful, well-proportioned building that has a place in Irish history.
Minus It needs work and the reams of Tarmac speak of its public-serving past.