ADD colour and texture with a 100 per cent wool rug. The sale at Ceadogan Rugs (051-561349) in Barrystown, Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford ends this Saturday, April 30th. Choose from Swallowtail(not pictured) a large format rug that measures 2.4m by 1.6m and is reduced from €2,340 to €1,300;
Enclosureby Maree Hensey is undyed and measures 1.8m x 1.2m. It is reduced from €1,325 to €1,190. Willow, designed by Brigitta Varadi for Ceadogan, measures 2m by 1.4m. It's down from €1,711 to €1,535.
Indian Odyssey, pictured, by Dublin-based textile designer Liz Nilssen, measures 2.1m by 1.53m and is reduced from €1,902 to €1,710. J asdan Palace Dot, another of her designs, is 1.9m by 1.45m. It's down from €1,633 to €1,465.