Irish in Britain: Have you experienced anti-Irish sentiment?

Share your story if you’ve noticed an increase in anti-Irish abuse since Brexit or if British people are supportive of the Irish community

Are Irish people in Britain noticing an increase in anti-Irish sentiment since Brexit? An experience by a teacher from Ireland shared on social media this week has prompted the question to be asked again. Elroy Cahill, who works as a head teacher in a school in London, tweeted his shock at being verbally abused by a person for being Irish after they overheard his accent while he was speaking on his phone. "(They) told me they 'couldn't wait for Boris and Brexit Party to make Brexit happen and send me and my lot back to f***ing Ireland," he tweeted. "Told me to tell my lot to stop trying to stop Brexit with their f***ing border'... have never ever felt so shocked or unwelcome in this country! How has this kind of abuse become acceptable?"

If you are living in Britain, have you experienced an increase in anti-Irish behaviour since Brexit, or has it become more visible? Have you personally experienced anti-Irish comments? Or do you think an anti-Irish sentiment in Britain was always there? Do you think Mr Cahill’s experience is an exception, or becoming more common? Is there a growing climate of hostility towards the Irish as Brexit talks continue? If you have experienced anti-Irish sentiments, has this hostility changed your mind about your future in Britain? Do you feel welcome in Britain since Brexit, or have you found British people to be supportive of Ireland’s position in the Brexit talks?

You can share your views and experiences using this form. Please include a photograph of yourself if you have one, and a few lines about you - your age, where you live now and what you do.

A selection of responses may be published on Thank you.


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