Paper price cuts

Designer Evelyn Slye has launched a new recession-busting range of wedding stationery, which is elegant and modern, but with …

Designer Evelyn Slye has launched a new recession-busting range of wedding stationery, which is elegant and modern, but with a classic appeal, using new and traditional layouts.

“What I am aiming for is a look that is stylish and original, but also takes into consideration the whole luxury and tradition of your wedding day,” says Slye. There is a full range of stationery, from Save the Date cards to mass booklets.

“In Ireland, we have now reached a level of sophistication, and we are not prepared to settle for the mundane or unoriginal,” says Slye. “Brides are heavily influenced by international design, and they bring that discerning eye to every detail of their wedding day. I want to ensure that their stationery reflects the standards they demand.”

Prices are €2.50-€3.50 per invite for the recession range, and up to €6 for other selections. Mary Gleeson