How Zuckerberg’s ‘major change’ to Facebook will impact on you

Users will hear more from their friends, less from corporates

Mark Zuckerberg

"We're making a major change to how we build Facebook, " Mark Zuckerberg posted on the social media platform. "I'm changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions."

What this means for users is a noticeable change in their news feed. Instead of seeing so many news stories and videos from media outlets, there will be a gradual switch to more updates from family and friends. The past year has seen Facebook tackle its fake news problem with better filtering, algorithms, and pathways for users to report these pages but this also shone a light on its gradual transition from social network to content platform, something Zuckerberg now seems keen to reverse.

"Over the next few months, we'll be making updates to ranking so people have more opportunities to interact with the people they care about," said Adam Mosseri, head of news feed for Facebook.