Dublin and Cork airports’ take-off-hoodies rule has passengers in a flap

Operator of both airports says passengers should remove ‘hoodies or loose oversize jumpers or sweaters’ when going through security

Like coats, boots and laptops, the garments will now have to be put in plastic trays and passed through the X-ray machine. Photograph: Collins Photos

Hoodies and other comfy clothes favoured by airline passengers must now be removed at airport security, no matter what passengers may (or may not) be wearing underneath.

According to DAA, which operates Dublin and Cork airports, passengers should be prepared to “remove any hoodies or loose oversize jumpers or sweaters” when going through security

Like coats, boots and laptops, these garments will have to be put in the plastic tray and passed through the X-ray machine.

When Dublin Airport posted an advisory about the requirement on social media on Friday, many passengers responded with confusion and frustration, with several asking the obvious question: what if you’re only wearing underwear, or nothing at all, under your hoodie?


“Private screenings/hand searches can be an option too,” the airport’s account clarified.

The regulations seem to apply only to “oversize” garments, meaning travellers sporting fashionably snug turtlenecks should avoid indignity.

A DAA spokesman told The Irish Times the regulation was actually introduced in April 2023. However, despite various posts by Dublin Airport since, it seems to have escaped widespread public notice until now.

There is some consolation, however, as there will soon be a relaxation in other security rules.

The installation of high-tech scanners in the airport means passengers will soon no longer have to remove liquids or laptops from their bags when passing through security.

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Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times