Branson aims to beat Bezos to space with test flight on July 11th

Billionaire now set to travel beyond Earth’s atmosphere days ahead of space race rival

Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos (left), and British billionaire Richard Branson. Photograph: Mandel Ngan and Don Emmert/AFP via Getty Images

Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson will travel to the edge of space on Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc's test flight on July 11th, Branson's space tourism firm said on Thursday, beating out fellow aspiring billionaire astronaut Jeff Bezos.

A successful flight by Branson aboard Virgin’s VSS Unity spaceplane would mark a key milestone in a race to usher in a new era of private commercial space travel.

It would also mean that Branson would travel beyond Earth’s atmosphere ahead of Bezos, the founder of rival space tourism venture Blue Origin.

Bezos, who founded retail giant Inc, is slated to fly to space on July 20th along with his brother, Mark, trailblazing female pilot Wally Funk and a so-far unidentified person who paid $28 million (€23.65 million) to join the suborbital joyride.


Reuters reported last month that Branson was considering a show-stealing mission just days ahead of the trip planned by Bezos.

The race, which also includes SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk, is underpinned by optimism that space travel will become mainstream as nascent technology is proven and costs fall, fuelling what UBS estimates could be a $3 billion (€2.53 billion) annual tourism market by 2030. Musk has not set a date for his space flight.

“Virgin Galactic stands at the vanguard of a new commercial space industry, which is set to open space to humankind and change the world for good,” Branson said in a statement accompanying Virgin’s announcement.

Branson’s July 11th mission will be the 22nd flight test for VSS Unity, and the company’s fourth crewed spaceflight, Virgin said.

But it will be the first to carry a full crew of two pilots and four “mission specialists,” including Branson.

Two additional test flights are planned before Virgin expects to begin commercial service in 2022, Virgin said. – PA