Task force to consider prisoners' security

A TASK force to consider what can be done for pensioners who cannot avail of the tax allowance for security alarms has been set…

A TASK force to consider what can be done for pensioners who cannot avail of the tax allowance for security alarms has been set up by the Minister for Social Welfare. It is chaired by the director general of the Department of Social Welfare, Mr Eddie Sullivan, and will report by the end of next month.

Many pensioners, whose small incomes lie outside the tax net, cannot avail of the new £800 tax allowance. "The task force will try to assess the needs of these people and how their concerns might be met," said Mr De Rossa.

The Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers' Association welcomed the move. The association has called for the provision of a "panic button" system such as Telecom Eireann's Medi Alert for elderly people living alone in rural areas. It would be allocated on a means tested basis, according to ICMSA rural development chairman Mr Dan McCarthy.

Mr De Rossa supported his colleague Ms Owen's review of prison accommodation but he also called on the Minister for Justice for a change in sentencing policy.


The task force includes civil servants from the Departments of Justice, Environment and Health. Representatives of Muintir na Tire, of the emergency services and of the security industry have also been invited to take part.