Have your say: Is class an issue in the Irish education system?

We want to hear from readers about their experiences

Despite official efforts at combating disadvantage in Irish schools, a huge class chasm remains as Carl O'Brien writes in today's Irish Times. While middle-class girls thrive, working-class boys struggle.

We invite readers to give their perspective on this issue. Have you or your children experienced a class divide in the education system? Have you experience of a Deis school? Do you think the Irish education system perpetuates class differences, or helps break them down? In your family, have you found costs to be an impediment to education access? In your own case, how did your school experience affect your life afterwards, in terms of access to further education, career opportunities etc? What do you think can be done to help break down class divides through the education system?

We are interested in hearing the views of teachers, parents, past pupils and people currently in education on these questions. Please submit your contribution (max 300 words) using this form. A photograph of you is optional.

Your response may be published in The Irish Times or on irishtimes.com as part of our No Child 2020 series.


Thank you.

No Child 2020 is an initiative by The Irish Times, providing a sustained focus on child welfare and children's issues over the coming year. It explores the issues facing children in Ireland today and the policies we need to adopt now, to make this a better country to be a child.