NSC warns road users ahead of cold snap

The National Safety Council (NSC) tonight urged all road users to take extra care following a 'Weather Advisory' from Met Eireann…

The National Safety Council (NSC) tonight urged all road users to take extra care following a 'Weather Advisory' from Met Eireann.

Forecasters predicted scattered showers of sleet or snow and very cold conditions would develop on tonight, continuing through to Saturday morning.

Snowfall could reach up to 3cm in some parts, especially over high ground.

There is also a risk of frost at night with air temperatures falling to between -1 and +4 degrees Celsius, coldest where breaks in cloud occur.


The NSC said that as a result of the cold temperatures, road conditions could become dangerous.

"Drivers are urged to drive with care and caution and to expect the unexpected," a spokesman said.

"Road users are advised to check the local and national weather forecasts before making a journey."