Martin defends 'balanced' citizenship proposal

The debate in the citizenship referendum has been dominated by "deliberate misrepresentations", the Minister for Health, Mr Martin…

The debate in the citizenship referendum has been dominated by "deliberate misrepresentations", the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, said today.

Speaking at the launch of the 'Yes' campaign in Cork this morning, Mr Martin said: "Opponents of the citizenship referendum have been dealing with everything but the proposal actually before the people on June 11th.

He said: "The facts are clear and the need for action is obvious to anyone who is willing to look at them," adding it would be "irresponsible to know that there is a problem and to step back and do nothing.

"A Yes vote is a vote for a simple, balanced and commonsense proposal which addresses a real problem. It will protect the integrity of our citizenship laws and bring them into line with European norms," the Minister said.


Earlier, a group of 31 doctors urged a No vote in the upcoming referendum. The GPs - including Dr Jerry Cowley, TD, and Senator Mary Henry - do not accept the State is being "swamped by refugees", say the referendum is unnecessary and believe the real issue is the underfunding of the health service.

"This referendum is an attempt by the government to deflect anger away from the real issues of under-funding of the health services," said Dr Juliet Bressan.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has come out in support of the No campaign. USI Deputy President and Campaigns Officer, Mr Gareth Keogh said Irish people are being asked to vote on an issue "on which there is little or no accurate information. Minister McDowell has looked to create a climate of fear to allow the Government to throw a smokescreen over any serious debate about citizenship in Ireland."

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times