Gardaí have ruled out foul play in a death of a woman whose remains were found in a house in south Co Dublin.
The house where the woman was found dead in Killiney is located on Balure Lane, a small road of large family homes off Church Road near Killiney Golf Club.
A post-mortem on the remains of the American woman in her late 50s has concluded she did not meet with foul play.

When her remains were found by a relative at about 9pm on Tuesday gardaí said the woman’s death was “unexplained” and they sealed off the house as a possible crime scene. However, when the post-mortem confirmed there was no third party involvement, any crime was ruled out.
The Garda investigation into the woman’s death was continuing, though its sole purpose now was to inform the inquest process.
Neighbours of the woman, who had live in Ireland for about three years, said they believed she lived alone and did not appear to have any visitors before she passed away.
Sources speaking on condition that they would not be identified said the first the community knew of her death was when they saw an ambulance in the laneway on Tuesday.
One person said “the understanding was that the woman was alone at the time she died”. Locals said they believed the gardaí were following the line that it was an accidental death.