If you are not already growing soft fruit and fruit trees in your garden, it’s an excellent time of the year to start planning for next year.
A timely course, then, is Soft Fruit and Fruit Trees in the Garden, being held at Sonairte in Meath on November 7th and 8th with Kathy Marsh. The course is aimed at amateurs, and covers choosing, planting, pruning and propagating. The cost is €120 for two days or €75 per day, and includes lunch. If you're interested in trying to grow your own, but not sure where to start, there's a one-day course taking place on November 14th called
Grow It Yourself,delivered by Kathy Marsh and Geraldine O'Toole. Cost is €35, excluding lunch. Call 041-9827572 or see www.sonairte.org