Think Before You Click:The rise of Bebo, Facebook and other social networking sites has made online privacy a major concern for parents and teachers alike.
Developed by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and the National Centre for Technology in Education, Think Before You Click is a new teaching resource for the Junior Certificate civic, social and political education curriculum, empowering students to be effective, safe and autonomous users of the internet and other new media. It’s currently being rolled out to second-level schools nationwide. Although intended for inclusion in the junior cycle, savvy transition year teachers may find this resource of use for the current group of fourth-years.
For more information, visit
IMMA Workshops
Students attending workshops at the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) have a chance to create and direct their own learning with help and guidance from IMMA mediators and artists. The museum has already hosted renowned artist Majella Clancy for the workshops, while Studio 8 will be open for young people to drop in anytime from 11am-4pm every Saturday from November 7th to December 12th inclusive, although bookings are required for two critical writing sessions on November 14th and 21st. Activities are free. For more information, contact Joanne Kiely, administrator in the education and community department on 01-6129919 or by e-mailing