Couple killed by car in Spain laid to rest

MORE THAN 1,000 people packed the Daniel O’Connell Memorial Church in Cahersiveen where nine priests concelebrated the funeral…

MORE THAN 1,000 people packed the Daniel O’Connell Memorial Church in Cahersiveen where nine priests concelebrated the funeral Mass for John and Mary O’Connell, the local couple who died when they were struck by a car while walking back to their hotel in Alicante, Spain.

The couple in their mid-40s had celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in March, “but their love was not just for themselves”, said Fr Niall Howard, the curate who officiated at the renewal of their vows just weeks ago.

The couple, who had involvements in the Celtic Music Festival, golf, Fine Gael and the Special Olympics, helped too many groups and people to mention, the priest said.

The chief mourners were John’s 85-year-old mother and his brother and sister, as well as Mary’s sisters and brother.


Fr Howard said he could not help but think of the Greek legend of Philemon and Baucis, the poor and simple-living couple who were the only ones to show hospitality to the Greek gods, Zeus and Hermes, when they came disguised as peasants to their village.

As a reward they asked that they should die and spend eternity together after a long life, and their wish was granted.