Calls for Taoiseach to speak on Aquatic centre

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, has been called on to explain his role in the National Aquatic Centre following the departure of Mr …

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, has been called on to explain his role in the National Aquatic Centre following the departure of Mr Paddy Teahon as the executive chairman of the Campus Stadium Ireland project.

The Labour Party say the Taoisech has "serious questions" to answer while Fine Gael are calling for ordinary business in the Dáil to be suspended so Mr Ahern can make a statement.

Mr Charles Flanagan, Fine Gael’s enterprise, trade and employment spokesman accused the Government of cowardice in the matter saying Mr Teahon had been made the "fall guy".

"Statements of remorse over Mr Teahon’s departure are an exercise in hypocrisy punctuated by massive sighs of relief," Mr Flanagan said.


Labour this afternoon expressed fears that the State may face financial liability following the publication of the Attorney General’s report in which some of the legal advice has been withheld for "reasons of confidentiality".

The party also say the AG’s report does not fully address the role of government ministers in the project.

Labour leader Mr Ruairi Quinn said: "If there were errors of judgement made by Mr Teahon, there were also clearly serious errors made by the Taoiseach. Mr Teahon has paid a price but, as usual, the Taoiseach refuses to accept responsiblity for anything."

Green Party leader Green Party leader, Mr Trevor Sargent described the explanation for removing Mr Paddy Teahon as "bizarre".

Mr Sargent said: "The Taoiseach seems to be saying that Mr Paddy Teahon has done nothing wrong other than display integrity. If integrity is not a fault why then has Mr Teahon been removed?"