Bolivia spared US drug sanctions

Bolivia, the third-largest cocaine producer in the world, has done enough to fight the drug trade over the past year to be spared…

Bolivia, the third-largest cocaine producer in the world, has done enough to fight the drug trade over the past year to be spared US sanctions, US officials said yesterday.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision will not be made public until Monday, said Bolivia would not be placed on the US list of states that have "failed demonstrably" to meet their counter-narcotics commitments.

If Bolivia were on the list, which is to be announced by the White House, the United States could cut off US aid other than counter-narcotics and humanitarian funds.

US officials cited two reasons for the decision. First, Bolivia met a US target of eradicating at least 5,000 hectares of coca crop. Second, US officials believe placing it on the list could undercut counter-narcotics cooperation.


The presidential determination will likely paint a mixed picture of counter-narcotics work in Bolivia, showing increased drug seizures but suggesting those reflected higher cocaine production.