Assault on Clonmel boy (14) alleged

Gardai in Clonmel, Co Tipperary, sealed off two areas of the town yesterday as part of their investigation into an alleged serious…

Gardai in Clonmel, Co Tipperary, sealed off two areas of the town yesterday as part of their investigation into an alleged serious assault on a 14-year-old boy this week.

The boy was taken to Cork University Hospital yesterday after falling ill at the Garda station in Clonmel. He had spent the night at the station after being arrested between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Tuesday after being found intoxicated.

Following regular checks during the night it was observed that the youth was ill. He received immediate medical attention yesterday morning before being transferred to St Joseph's Hospital in the town.

Due to the nature of his condition he has since been transferred to Cork University Hospital, where a spokesman described his condition as critical.


No report had been made to the gardaí about the alleged assault on the youth, which took place between midnight and 12.30 a.m. on Monday.

The matter only came to light when the boy became ill, as he showed no visible signs of the incident, apart from a black eye. The youth informed his family of the alleged attack but appeared fit and well.

The youth was in the company of another boy when the assault allegedly took place on Cashel Street in the town. The scene has since been preserved and is being technically examined.

As a precaution, a flat on Abbey Street in Clonmel where the youth was picked up by gardaí on Tuesday night has also been preserved but the main focus of the investigation is on the Cashel Street site.

Gardaí have since questioned a number of people, including the youth who was with the injured boy when he was allegedly assaulted. They say they are following a definite line of inquiry.