What’s Hot
Forever Amazon series starring Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen
Oprah's Master Class Major names recount their life lessons in this uplifting podcast. Start with Jane Fonda
Big chains Adorning this season's handbags, from Balenciaga to Tom Ford

Pumpkins Soup, mash, and carving time
Rosie Powerful new Irish film with Sarah Greene
Jennifer Slattery Maker of gorgeous Irish linen products
Aquafaba Can chickpea water really replace egg whites in cooking? Believe it

What’s Not
Versace The Kors sale marks a move from bling to basicness
New look Gmail Plainer is better
Pete Davidson Ariana Grande's fiance is the king of Too Much Information
Meme nihilism The dour way of communicating online leaves us feeling empty
Chain hotels With a Premier Inn opening on Dublin's George's Street, we have to ask what these generic hotels do for an area's character
Sponsored Instagram posts Get these randomers out of our feeds please
Protein balls How can a handful of oats, seeds and peanut butter cost so much?