This week, Róisín is...

This week, Róisín is ...

Telling . . .tales. The Dublin City Business Improvement District (BID) is organising free storytelling sessions for children in the run-up to Christmas. As part of the "BIDS for KIDS" programme, storyteller Susie Minto (left) will fuel their imaginations with tales in the Irish, Native American, European and Japanese tradition. There was the girl who married Father Frost, the porridge pot that was always full, the brave duckling who outdid the winter storm and the animals who bravely brought back fire from the heavens. Stories will be told every Saturday and Sunday until December 13th at the Gresham Hotel (11am, 12pm and 1pm) and the St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre (3pm, 4pm and 5pm). The free sessions last 30 minutes, and all children, aged four to 10, are welcome. Spaces are limited, so book by phoning Dublin City BID on 01-6334680 or you can send an e-mail

Getting . . .arty farty. Every Tuesday until December 16th, "Art Jam Ireland" will be hosting art events at the Piedescalso Art Café at 78 Thomas Street in Dublin from 7pm to 9pm. The Art Jam costs €25 per person, which includes use of all materials, your completed take-away canvas in a take-away box and a complementary glass of vino. Even if you don't discover your inner Pablo Picasso/Rolf Harris, chances are you'll create a unique and thrifty Christmas gift. Places are limited, so call 086-0615695 to reserve your spot. See  for more details.