What’s making you happy? A win for Andrew Scott and dancing in the kitchen

Here’s what is making Irish Times readers happy this week

Irish actor Andrew Scott’s recent win brightened at least one Irish Times reader’s day

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy. You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week

Irish actor Andrew Scott winning at the #EveningStandardTheatreAwards made me happy - Sophie

Dancing in the kitchen with my two-year-old to Paul Simon's Graceland - Nikki

An old college mates reunion in Birmingham over the weekend that made me laugh so much that my tummy hurt - Bob


Stayed in Galway last night with 6 of the kids. Late evening and early morning swims and the novelty of lunch and dinner out has them beaming since. I love how happy they are - Jen

Brown soda bread slathered with real butter and a bowl of veggie soup after a trip to Shannon airport - Claire