Will Alsop to talk in Cork

Architect Will Alsop, winner of the Stirling prize for his library in Peckham, London, will be giving a talk in Cork on October…

Architect Will Alsop, winner of the Stirling prize for his library in Peckham, London, will be giving a talk in Cork on October 17th.

Alsop believes that architecture can bring about social change and renewal. This philosophy extends from the design of individual buildings to urbanism and city development.

He is the first speaker in a two-part series focusing on the public relationship with art and architecture.

Alsop will focus on architecture as an act of change, while artist Jochen Gerz will talk about engaging communities in the creative process (on November 1st).


The lectures are part of Cork City Council's Creating a Cultural City lecture series and take place in Millennium Hall in Cork City Hall. Admission is free.

More information from The Arts Office, Cork City Council on 021 492 4298 or via email at arts@corkcity.ie.