Agent: Harry Clarke
Number of properties on the books: 100
People are looking for: period town terraces or new townhouses for first-time buyers
Fastest sale: new house off the A26 Antrim Road. Buyer saw the draft brochure on the desk and bought it there and then
Most expensive property: €590,000 for a 279sq m (3,000sq ft) detached house with four bedrooms. Stone-faced, two miles along the old Ballymoney Road
Cheapest property: new two-bed townhouse off the Cullybackey Road, asking €207,000
What won't shift? one or two 1970s standard houses which have not been upgraded
Average monthly rent for a two-bedroom property: €635
Daytime Ballymena: Ballymena RFC; Ballymena United; GAA; tennis, squash, swimming pools; leisure centre with gym; salmon and brown trout fishing on the Braid and Maine; brass and flute bands; Slemish Players; art festival. Lunch in the Fern Room
After dark: dine out at the Adare Arms, The Manley, Water Margin, Red Peaches, Tullyglass Hotel or Leighinmohr House. Trad music at The Cross Keys and Owen Roe O'Neill's on the edge of town
Issues: drug sub-culture