Beautiful food for beautiful folk

International lifestyle publication Kinfolk is coming to Dublin for a shoot

“Those baked clay bricks of a handsome Georgian city. That smouldering peat in the back of the hearth. The steaming spuds on the Sunday table. That memory of a friend. It’s worth digging for those things beneath the surface.”

Trust the ultra cool lifestyle magazine Kinfolk to make Dublin sound so irresistible. The publication is staging its inaugural Dublin gathering on Saturday, March 28th. "Beneath the Surface" is series of "community gatherings" staged all around the world – Istanbul follows Dublin on March 29th – that aim to show participants an insider's view of a place.

It’s being organised by Joi Fu of linen and tweed online shop 31 Chapel Lane, and will include workshops on linen dying and root vegetable baking, as well as dinner. Stoneybatter business women Seáneen Sullivan of L Mulligan Grocer and Kate Packwood of Wildflour Bakery are looking after the food and have decided to celebrate “the wealth of lovely vegetables that lurk beneath the soil”.

“We will serve house made ginger ale with burdock and dandelion root bitters, roasted baby beetroot, heritage baby carrots glazed with whiskey and dotted with Crozier Blue and black sesame, yam and celeriac chips crumbed with walnut and sage, wild garlic root aoili and celebration cakes drawing on the flavour of Blackwater gin, especially the orris and liquorice roots. Jack McCarthy has made a special black pudding for the event also, studded with fresh beetroot,” says Sullivan.


The venue is The Work & Welders at 53 Arbour Hill, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 (behind Lilliput Stores). Tickets for this sold out within 24 hours (there's a wait list in place, email, but the organisers plan to stage additional events at a later stage. And you'll be able to read all about it and see the no doubt gorgeous photographs in Kinfolk.