Corrections and Clarifications

In a report headed "Galway facing rubbish pile-up on streets after dispute closes tip site" in Friday's editions, the Environmental…

In a report headed "Galway facing rubbish pile-up on streets after dispute closes tip site" in Friday's editions, the Environmental Protection Agency said that under the conditions of the Poolboy licence, up to 12,000 tonnes per annum might be accepted provided the total of 375,000 tonnes was not exceeded. The figure should have been 120,000 tonnes per year.

The funeral of the late Enda O'Rourke was held in Coosan, not Glasson as stated in the report last Friday.

The sources of two new publications were confused in the editing of "Another Life" in Saturday's Weekend supplement. The Cutover and Cutaway Bogs Education Pack is available from the Irish Peatlands Conservation Council, at 119 Capel Street, Dublin 1, at £13.30 inc. p&p; A Guide to the Habitats of Ireland is available from the Heritage Council in Kilkenny at £12.00.

Glucosamine is made up of glucose and amine, not glucose and an amino acid as stated in an article headed "Food supplement shown to help osteoarthritis" in the editions of January 26th.


Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.