Google Slides adds real-time closed captioning

Web log: Machine-learning tech puts subtitles on presentations for hearing impaired

Google Slides: closed captions are generated in real time as the user speaks over their slides.

Slides – Google’s alternative to PowerPoint – has a new feature that might win over some converts; this accessibility feature, launched last week, will provide automated closed captioning for users while they are making a presentation.

Using machine-learning technology, closed captions are generated in real time as the user speaks over their slides – and near their laptop’s microphone – while delivering their presentation. By clicking the CC button, your speech is automatically transcribed and placed at the bottom of the screen for your audience to read, meaning the hearing impaired will be able to follow along with ease.

Right now this feature only works for a single user presenting in American English while using Slides within the Chrome browser on a laptop or desktop computer but Google promises that they are "looking to expand the feature to more countries and languages over time".