Workers and a safe environment

Sir, – I refer to the reporting of the comments of Dr Ronan Glynn, acting chief medical officer at the Department of Health, regarding workplaces being the new frontline in the battle against Covid-19 (News, July 20th).

Workers are not to “drop their guard”, apparently.

Where is the focus on the duty of care that bosses have towards their staff, both from the health officials and from media reports? How many managers have actively engaged with a trade union or appointed Covid-19 workplace representatives? How many refuse to take an active role in ensuring social distancing on their premises, instead leaving it up to customers to follow it themselves?

These are all key questions.


In many instances, workers have been brought back without proper consultation and without regard for their health and safety.

There is a worrying consensus that we should not burden, nor expect leadership from, the so-called wealth creators who are merely trying their best, apparently. – Yours, etc,


Blessington, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Am I the only person a bit sceptical that so many companies and corporations suddenly have our safety as their number one priority?

I thought it was the pursuit of profit. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.