Universities and hiring policies

Sir, – The Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) is very surprised and concerned at reports (News, August 27th) that Maynooth University is suing University College Dublin, disputing the latter’s right to hire an academic.

Since academic mobility is a cornerstone of academic freedom, a core value for any university worthy of the name and something specifically protected under Irish law (the Universities Act 1997), IFUT cannot see such litigation as anything other than threatening, objectionable and contrary to law.

Perhaps Maynooth has a specific argument as to why its action is not as stark an attack on core values, as appears on first reading.

If it does, it should share these thoughts with IFUT as the recognised representative body for university academic staff in Ireland. – Yours, etc,



Deputy General


Irish Federation

of University Teachers,

Merrion Square,

Dublin 2.