Twitchy over Twickenham

Madam, - I am narked, narked, narked and fuming, and moreover I simply insist that Ireland beat England at Twickenham.

Madam, - I am narked, narked, narked and fuming, and moreover I simply insist that Ireland beat England at Twickenham.

Last Sunday, the BBC commentary panel spent 45 minutes after the England-France rugby match bemoaning England's deplorable performance - or rather, struggling to know what to say about it. It had been so bad that the commentators and interviewees - Guscott, Davies, Inverdale, the captain and coach - admitted to being almost speechless.

The captain was so overwhelmed by the awfulness of his team's performance that he almost had me in tears. Like the others, he made no excuses and offered no solutions. No one seemed to know what could be done or where England should go from here. They admitted to being stymied, stumped - especially when the French had been only mediocre.

And then, after all that head-scratching about the deplorable state of the English game, the panel were asked for their predictions for this weekend. Without a flicker or a blink, they were unanimous: England to win at Twickenham. How easily are we dismissed. - Yours, etc,


DENYSE WOODS, Knocknamarriff, Inniscarra, Co Cork.