Time for an honours system?

Sir, – There is nothing to stop Irishmen and women styling themselves “Baron of Ballygobackwards” or “Iarla na Míchomhairle”, …

Sir, – There is nothing to stop Irishmen and women styling themselves “Baron of Ballygobackwards” or “Iarla na Míchomhairle”, or some such. To complete the effect, let them print up some brightly coloured stationary and attach an ostentatious plaque to the gates of their demesne.

Particularly intractable cases might even affix their coat of arms to their car or bicycle.

Thus, our newly minted gentry could take their place among the ranks of the exquisitely attired sci-fi convention community, none of whom ever seems to sport a title lower than “Lord of the Universe”. – Yours, etc,


Tweed Street,


